Bulgarian Sunday School "Bukvaran" announces admission of students for the school year 2021/2022 face-to-face and distance learning.
The school offers:
1. School year lasting from September to July inclusive, for 6 (six) hours per day.
2. Conducting a lesson supporting the training and related to the preservation of Bulgarian culture, traditions and folklore. For this purpose, students will have the opportunity to choose a club based on their interest.
3. Teaching Bulgarian language for preschool children.
4. Teaching Bulgarian language and literature, history and geography of Bulgaria, for students from 1st to 12th grade using workbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.
5. E-learning for acquiring basic language competence by children and young people who do not speak Bulgarian.
6. Preparation of students in Bulgarian language and literature for admission to Bulgarian universities.
7. Distance learning in Bulgarian language for the levels from A2 to C1 for students over 14 years of age and young people over 18 years of age, according to a specially developed system by our teachers.
8. Preparation for the exam for a certified translator.
9. All students receive a legitimate certificate of education, valid in the Republic of Bulgaria to be able to continue their education in schools in Bulgaria without taking equivalency exams in Bulgarian language and literature, history and geography of Bulgaria.
Email for admission: priem.bukvaran@gmail.com
БНУ "Букваран" е основан на 11 април 2011 година в Лондон.
Лицензирано от МОН на Република България, регистрирано по Постановление № 90 на Министерския съвет от 29 май 2018 година.
Партньор на Софийския университет "Св.Климент Охридски" за сертифициране на знанията по български език като втори чужд език за ученици от български неделни училища във Великобритания.
Член на Асоциацията на българските училища в чужбина.
Учебни бази в Лондон - Стратфорд, Ромфорд и Уолтъмстоу.
Изградена училищна мрежа от филиали в градовете - Манчестър, Честър, Ливърпул и Флийтууд.